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Cradle Mountain Circuit

This is such a must-do in Tasmania, that if you only have couple of days in this state I would say - don’t even bother to go anywhere else - make your way to the Cradle Mountains, and spend at least a week in the area.

So much to explore!

The Cradle Mountain Circuit is an approximately 13 kilometer - 5-6 hour hard walk starting from Ronny Carpark, passing through Marions Lookout, then up to the top of the Cradle Mountain and then around the Dove lake.

Make sure you bring snack, plenty of water and your camera with your because the view from the top is priceless if you have got good weather.

Vegetation in Cradle Mountain

When I started the hike -as always I did not have plan what I was going to do. I wanted to hike up to the Marion Lookout, but I thought I would check the weather out from there as I was not really prepared for any showers that can happen rapidly in the area.

The hike starts with a rather pleasant walk on the boardwalk then passing through the wild flowers before entering the forest. This is where the hike starts to ascend - it still not too bad with average fitness you would be absolutely fine.

Once you left the forest after about a 1.5 km-s you reach the Glacer Lake where the hike starts. The last 100 metres to the Marion Lookout is a steep rock where chains to be used

Sturdy shoes are must!

The beauty and splendor of nature at this park is beyond description. I have only spent three days in the area, but already planning my next - more than week long just to explore this wilderness in more depth.

Marion Lookout, Dove lake on the left

The park itself is huge but has a walks for people of all ages and fitness level.

Ultimate favorite in Tasmania so far.

So once you get up to Marions Lookout (1.5h) you look down, and you would think oh great, all i need to do is just walk down on the other side on the lake and thats it.

Well, thats what I thought obviously, and I was so wrong!

As I said earlier I am rather bad in detailing my plans and I love going with the flow so basically I carried on the overland track. The track is part boardwalk, part dirt road here and it was just so windy! I though I was heavy enough to be able to keep stable and I really respect those girls under 50 kilos who can make this part of the track without being blown away…

Glacer Lake View

Vegetation on the track

Cradle Mountain

Overland Track, Cradle Mountain

After about another 40 minutes walk I arrived to the bottom of the Cradle Mountain summit, looked at the information sign saying that two hours and 2 km-s return and I quickly made a decision not to hike up there… partially because I was worried I wont be able to catch the last shuttle bus back at 5 from to the entrance of the park, but most likely my lack of energy and passion paid a much bigger role in taking this decision…

So when I arrived at the bottom of the summit, I decided to take the face track to the left. I had no map, no information about this track so I asked a couple who just came up the opposite direction what quality the track has got. They were telling me with totally out of breath “yeah its a little bit steep and there is no boardwalk going down”

I think this was my luck or unluck (?) depends on how we see it, that they technically did not give me the right information. I stopped after we met, took couple of shots from the top and technically this was the last stop when I took my camera out because my “survival” to get down (which lasted another 4 hours) started here.

The track is a grade trillion! Not a grade 4 or 5 it is rather the max!

My Last Photo

There are sections where technically I had to rockclimb, following chains and sliding down on my bottom. There were at least 6 instances when I hiked up to the top of a mountain with the high hopes that the easy walk down start there only of realising that another mountain to be climbed is ahead of me.

So no photos from the last 4 hours, and when I finally arrived to the parking lot, the ranger could tell from my face where I came from…

Dont get me wrong : the hike is amazing!

But…dont carry 14 kilos of camera equipment plus a tripod with yourself as I did and your knees definitely going to thank it for you later…

So, summa summarum - go and do this hike!

Good shoes, water, snack - even if it rains the vegetation is just so beautiful .

How to get to Cradle Mountain National Park

The Cradle Mountain–Lake St Clair National Park is accessible from Sheffield in the north and Derwent Bridge in the south. The northern entrance to the park is 1.5 hr from Devonport and 2.5 hr from Launceston.

See this map in the original post


My name is Katalin and I have been traveling in China and Australia (on and off) for three years now. I can’t stand travel agencies - totally disagree with their principle of keeping the “secret of how to travel” to themselves and I love traveling on my own.

My favourite way of traveling is by public transport, I do it usually with minimal planning and just let the locals “drive” me to the spots.

This site is my experience of how to travel with no agency in China and the places I think worth for a visit in both Tasmania and Victoria, Australia.

If I am not exploring you can find me hiking somewhere in the mountains / bushes or taking photos. Oops, wait a second that’s exploring too