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Karakul Lake

Walk around at high altitude

Majestic snow capped peaks where the color of the water changes with the location and brightness of the sun.

How to get to Kashgar / Kashi Xinjiang Province, China

By Air

Kashgar Airport is located 15 minutes driving from old town. Most flights serve between Urumqi and Kashgar with flexible choices of schedule from morning to night. Domestic flights connect Kashgar to Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou with a transit in Urumqi

By train

There are three daily trains which run between Urumqi and Kashgar offering hard seats, hard sleepers and soft sleepers - 18-25 hours. The train station is about 6 km-s from downtown.

See this map in the original post

How to travel on the Karaokam Highway in Xinjiang Province

Hire a car with driver / Agency

The tourist info office next to the mosque on the main square in Kashgar Old town can arrange a car with a driver for you. The trip is usually a 3 day/2 nigh trip where accommodation and transport is included. First night in Tashkurghan, second night in a yurt by the Karakul lake.

Self travel

You can also travel by bus from the Kashgar city bus station (ke yun zhan / 客运站) at 9:30 am and arrives at Tashkurgan at around 16.00pm Please note that if you travel by yourself there are two places where you can stay in Tashkurghan:

K2 Youth hostel and Crown Inn Hotel - only these hotels can take foreigners.

Please note that camping is now forbidden by the Karaokam highway

If you travel with an agency / driver they take the responsibility over registering you by the local police.