
Thank you for visiting my site!

My name is Kat and I come from Europe. When I graduated and started my first job, my company sent me abroad for a project which was supposed to last only for couple of weeks. I ended up commuting weekly between Budapest and Warsaw for nearly a year and when my project ended I had one regret - I was so busy with working and popping home for every weekend that I did not see anything while working there. (still have not but it’s never too late). And thats when I made a promise to myself that I would never let this happen again, so every time my work or my studies made me land somewhere -and I guess it’s my karma because I happened to move every 2-3 years), I made sure I was going to explore as much and as deep as I can in the area.

Just because nothing lasts forever.

In the past six years I have been commuting between China and Australia constantly searching for “less travelled” places in my free time - using mainly overland local transport, following suggestions from locals and without any detailed plan.

My view is that if you have not spent at least six months in a place, then you know nothing about it. Therefore my site is focusing only on Australia and China at the moment.

It is not a travel blog. It’s not even chronological. I am noting down my memories / experiences and itineraries kind’a randomly - whatever comes into my mind first. After three years of travels between China and Australia I decided to organise what I have learnt and seen through my pictures. I won’t detail here how I jumped on a local bus in the south west of China just because I don’t find that interesting.

Also, don’t expect me listing the countries I have “visited so far.” I just don’t see the point in that.

I can, however show you some real off-the-beaten-track destinations in both China and Australia and how to get there without using travel agencies.

It is primarily a photo album with travel-without-an-agency itineraries inspired by places / faces / colours / smells / buildings from the the places I have seen/felt/experienced so far. A snapshot of a less touristy part of this Globe with thoughts, view, information and my own photos.

Enjoy this world with me - and feel free to contact me if you have got specific questions about travel/location/etc.

Sorry, I just hate small talk, but if you ask me I am more than happy to answer!

Thank you for visiting - Peace and Love.

Visit Victoria, Australia

Visit Tasmania, Australia