
The karst landscape from the train approaching Guilin

The karst landscape from the train approaching Guilin

Yangshuo, a county town 65 km south of Guilin city, Guangxi Province is characterized by breathtaking landscape scenery, a holiday atmosphere, and rustic culture. The section of the Li River between Guilin and Yangshuo is the most attractive stretch, and there are several activities you can try in order to experience the local life and culture.

I spent three months volunteering in the area, so all i can do here is to list what to do around this beautiful place.

Enjoy the sunset vibe

Enjoy the sunset vibe

Be brave and hop on a bamboo raft

Be brave and hop on a bamboo raft

Explore the hidden treasures around Yulong river

Explore the hidden treasures around Yulong river

Feel the magic

Feel the magic

Get lost around the villages in Sangri-la

Get lost around the villages in Sangri-la

Walk along the Yulong river

Walk along the Yulong river

Enjoy this wonder from above

Enjoy this wonder from above

Relax by the river Lijiang

Relax by the river Lijiang

Try the Guilin noodle soup

Try the Guilin noodle soup

Or just stroll around…

Or just stroll around…

…and around…

…and around…

…and around.

…and around.

How to get to Yangshuo, Guangxi Province


There are high speed trains or regular trains to Guilin where you need to change for either train or bus to get to Yangshuo. Alternatively you can fly into Guilin and then change for bus or train to Yangshuo.

By train:

Guilin to Yangshuo: The train leaves from Guilin Bei (South) Station (daily 8 trains - 35 minutes), Guilin Centre Station (daily 3 trains).

By bus:

Guilin Bus Station is located on Zhongshan Road and there are buses between 7am and 10pm and the ride takes about 70 minutes (23yuan)

By boat:

The most beautiful way to travel to Yansghuo is to take the boat from Guilin. the river flows between the mountains; there are 3 boats in the morning leaving Guilin to Yangshuo and it takes 5 hours to get there (cca 290 yuan)

By car

Sichuan Province


Xinjiang Province


Jiangxi Province


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