Basha Village

Traditional Wooden Houses in Basha

Traditional Wooden Houses in Basha

Basha Miao village is located in Guizhou Province, about 220km-s from Kaili city or two hours drive from Rongjiang.

Legend has it that the ancestors of Basha residents settled and built the village over 2,000 years ago. Today, Basha residents still live like their ancestors: with special folk customs, worship of trees, and guns. Let’s visit this mysterious village to see the last tribe of gunmen.

The ancient village is located deep hidden in the mountains of southwest China’s Guizhou’s southern border region.

Layers of wooden cottages in the mist of a lush forest

Layers of wooden cottages in the mist of a lush forest

Researchers believe the village is the 'living fossil' to study Miao ethic minority's history and traditional culture

Researchers believe the village is the 'living fossil' to study Miao ethic minority's history and traditional culture

All constructions are wooden, built on pillars so that the livestock is housed below

All constructions are wooden, built on pillars so that the livestock is housed below

Edge of the village overlooking the terrains

Edge of the village overlooking the terrains

The clothes of all Miao residents of Basha are made from an indigo shade of hand-woven fabric resembling watered gauze. It is dyed in the juice of Baphicacanthus cusia leaves. Eggwhite is added to make it rain-proof, giving it a leathery quality.

Men also maintain their unique hair bun, with a lock of long hair in braids in the middle of head, and all the other hair being shaved off. Legend has that this is the oldest hairstyle for men in China and has existed for thousands of years

Men carry a sickle at their side and a shotgun on their shoulders

Men carry a sickle at their side and a shotgun on their shoulders

The last tribe of gunmen in China

The last tribe of gunmen in China

Some people believe that Basha people are the ancestors of Japanese samurai warriors

Some people believe that Basha people are the ancestors of Japanese samurai warriors

In Basha, instead of scissors or clippers, people use a large sickle to shave hair

In Basha, instead of scissors or clippers, people use a large sickle to shave hair

Basha Girls walking back from the rice fields in traditional clothes

Basha Girls walking back from the rice fields in traditional clothes

A strong sense of precaution inherited from their ancestors keeps this village isolated from the outside world. The villagers lead a self-sufficient life in the hilly areas and retain the dressing and living customs hundreds of years ago

Miao embroidery

Miao embroidery

Women wear silver necklaces, bracelets, and embroidered attires and skirt

Women wear silver necklaces, bracelets, and embroidered attires and skirt

Basha Miao people have really not seen much of the rest of their country

Basha Miao people have really not seen much of the rest of their country

They have maintained their unique code of dress from the time of the Qin Dynasty (221–206 BC).

They have maintained their unique code of dress from the time of the Qin Dynasty (221–206 BC).

Farmer returning from the rice fields

Farmer returning from the rice fields

Pot of rice

Pot of rice

Kids also have the unique hairstyle

Kids also have the unique hairstyle

How to get to Basha Village, Guizhou Province


The easiest way to travel fro Zhenyuan is to hire a car with a local - you can do that pretty much every corner - takes 4 hours drive and about 130 USD - dependant on your negotiation skills.

The other option to get up to the village is a little bit more complicated and takes more time:

First you need to take the train back to Kaili from Zhenyuan (1.30 h - 3 USD), then take the bus from the local bust station to Leishan (1 hour - 1.5 USD, change for the bus towards Rongjiang (3-4 hours - 5 USD) and then take the bus from Rongjiang to Congjiang (2 hours - 3 USD). You will need to take a local “taxi” to get uptown Basha village from Congjiang (30 minutes, about 5 USD). This travel is doable in one day, hence early start is required!

Once you arrived to Basha village, walk up to the main square, the 3 accommodation options are located there. People usually don’t speak English, cash and WeChat payment is more acceptable than card.

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