Kashgar Sunday Animal Market

Blast from the Past

Kashgar animal market

Kashgar animal market

The Kashgar Animal Market offers a fascinating look at the Kashgar food chain from a cultural/anthropological/historical view.

You can see a thousand year old tradition carrying on like it once was - noisy, dusty, crowded & chaotic - farmer herders trading all sorts of life stock including sheep, goats, donkeys, horses, camels, yaks and cows.

Uyghur farmers have maintained the energy…

Uyghur farmers have maintained the energy…

…and the activity of this market.

…and the activity of this market.

Livestock changing hands…

Livestock changing hands…

…traders haggling.

…traders haggling.

Sheep piled up for sale

Sheep piled up for sale

Uyghur Man preparing live sheep for sale - shearing the woollen fleece of the sheep in order to ease the “inspection” of the stock

Uyghur Man preparing live sheep for sale - shearing the woollen fleece of the sheep in order to ease the “inspection” of the stock

Plenty of food stalls nearby, including noodle places…

Plenty of food stalls nearby, including noodle places…

…meat stalls…

…meat stalls…

…or hawthorn fruit juice… so you definitely won’t stay hungry

…or hawthorn fruit juice… so you definitely won’t stay hungry

How to get to Kashgar / Kashi Xinjiang Province, China

By Air


Kashgar Airport is located 15 minutes driving from old town. Most flights serve between Urumqi and Kashgar with flexible choices of schedule from morning to night. Domestic flights connect Kashgar to Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou with a transit in Urumqi

By train

There are three daily trains which run between Urumqi and Kashgar offering hard seats, hard sleepers and soft sleepers - 18-25 hours. The train station is about 6 km-s from downtown

Xinjiang Province


Sichuan Province


Katalin FeherComment